Membership is open to all and not limited to UPS employees only, male or female, who are golfers. There is no minimum handicap required. Closing date for membership for the 2021 season is 1st January 2021, when the membership fee (currently £20.00 must be paid).
There will be a record of all members held by the current handicap secretary within the handicap record system. By accepting membership, members acknowledge that personal details will be held centrally and protected. (No financial details will be retained).
The aim of the society is to support its members and at this early stage this will be a member only society.
The Fixtures arranged by committee Chairman/Secretary will coordinate the annual calendar of matches. Fixtures will be advertised on the website or social media sites well in advance and will be updated regularly. The calendar of events planned are one per each month of the season, generally on the third Sunday of each calendar month.
Should fixtures be over-subscribed the Committee will arbitrate to ensure that there is a fair share of available places.
Rules of Golf
All Tee-Rific GS Matches will abide by the Royal and Ancient (R&A) Rules of Golf. Additionally, the local rules of the clubs where matches are played should be applied.
Format of play and rules of the competition on the day will be advertised locally by the organisers.
Behaviour and Reputation
Golf Societies can be viewed with an amount of disdain by members of Golf Clubs. It is paramount that our behaviour is cognisant of our position as guests of the Club and also as ambassadors of the Tee-Rific GS. In this regard, the committee reserve the right of refusing any member the right to play, if prior to a game they are, or appear to be, under the influence of excessive alcohol or substances or during the course of play they consume alcohol. Any use of offensive or abusive language and general anti-social behaviour will mean exclusion from the society.
The core financial model is “pay to play”.
Membership Tee-Rific GS will be charged annually at a rate of £20, payable on joining and thereafter as requested by the Committee by 1st January each year. The subscriptions will under-write any financial risk and also provide prizes etc. for the competitions. Subscriptions will be reviewed annually at the AGM.
Payments from members will be made direct to the Treasurer on joining. The Treasurer will be responsible for managing the account on behalf of the Society. Payment can be made by bank transfer, details provided on request and posted on the society social media pages.
The financial record will be audited annually by the Committee.
The Tee-Rific GS as an entity is not currently covered by insurance, as a friendly society. This may be reviewed and provided, subject to membership approval and acceptance of costs.
Therefore, no cover is provided for personal liability, kit and golf equipment. Individuals should take out personal insurance for such cover.
Should Tee-Rific GS insurance be provided it will cover only Public Liability and will only cover Tee-Rific GS matches that appear on the Calendar of Events.
Website / Social Media Record
The Committee will oversee the website/ Social Media site and keep it updated and relevant.
The Tee-Rific GS will issue a Society handicap once handicaps are levelled following the first year. The Handicap Secretary will maintain the handicaps based on cards submitted.
Annual General Meeting
An AGM will be held annually prior to the commencement of Society year, currently Feb-Nov, and will be advised in advance to all members.